Cat Burns: Girls!
Much too short! Song klingt zunächst unauffällig, hat aber einen tollen Flow.
Much too short! Song klingt zunächst unauffällig, hat aber einen tollen Flow.
Coming superstar! What a great first album! I guess, nohing can stop Rose Gray.
Ich freue mich auf "Tercer Intento".
Stehblues für Knutschprofis. Da bleibt kein Auge (und kein Mund) trocken.
CocoRosie. Siblings and music? Perfect combination!
Don't talk dirty to me - should be a motto for today's fight against racism
Indie-Rock-Pop at its Best This song's a grower!
One of the lesser known fromn the 80s which will stand the test of time, nonetheless.
My first smash of the year is a straight Pop Song.