Taylor Swift: 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
What an extraordinary recording! It was a smash 9 years ago. And it still blows me away.
CASisDEAD: Skydive (feat. Neil Tennant)
Mysterious CASisDEAD is obviously not dead. Hurray!
Falco: Satellite to Satellite
Bolland und Bolland und Falco: Was für eine glückliche Fügung für die Musikwelt!
The Chemical Brothers: Skipping like a stone (feat. Beck)
Chemical Brothers and Beck? It had already been phenomenal when they did "Wide open" together. And it is again.
Jacana People: Ankledeep
Jacana Peoples "Ankledeep" ist mein smash of the week. Unerbittlicher Beat.
Kylie Minogue: Things we do for love
Kylie is back! "Things we do for love" is my favourite of the new album "Tension".
Georgia: So what!
The whole album sounds like an Upgrade of the 80s. Perfect!
Jamila Woods: Practice (feat. Saba)
Nudity can be funny. Female video clips don't have to be pornographic, Cardi B.
Debbie Harry: Rush, Rush
My latest "smash rewind" cmae by pure coincidence to me. A woman wearing a Blondie- T- Shirt in my neighbourhood is the source of my inspiration.